Please join me on June 26 from 11am-1pm for JAZZ AND TALK POWER WALK and walk with us from where you are while listening to Jazz Power Live Stream on your headphones. I will be performing along with pianist Eli Yamin on the live stream and you can tune in while you walk and bop to the beat in support of the essential work of Jazz Power Initiative transforming lives through jazz arts education. When you walk with us from where you are at the JAZZ AND TALK POWER WALK you are joining others around the country who believe that access to jazz arts education for our youth is essential,

Your contribution not only goes towards students learning valuable lessons around America's original art form. By giving you are helping to foster community, compassion, empathy, and generosity with our next generation of leaders. Jazz models these values in performance. Being able to continue to mentor our youth through jazz is a meaningful experience that has shown to have a lasting impact.

$25 gets you access to the live stream.